Turn Off the TV, Voters….

The election isn't for another 2 1/2 months.  Turn off the 24-hour cable news, ignore the online news "headlines," and wait to watch the conventions.  You already know who you are going to vote for.  Don't let the news companies profit from your boredom.  You're only going to be presented with nonsense.  Let's all turn off the "news" and read a book or two before Summer is completely gone.

God bless America!


P.S. Got a few posts on the burner, nearly ready to go.  Thanks for your patience.

4 thoughts on “Turn Off the TV, Voters….

  1. I have to say, Froderick, that watching Sarah Palin’s speech last night was anything but a bore.
    Also, as it turns out, not everyone in the United States knows ahead of time who they’re going to vote for.
    Naturally, those people should all vote McCain/Palin.

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